Name: Organometallic Chemistry of the Transition Metals
Catalog Number: 412027Y Hours/Credits: 40/2
General Organic Chemistry At least two Level 2 courses within the Organic Chemistry Major. It is suitable for graduate students of chemistry, especially for the students major in organic chemistry.
Course Description:
To describe the synthesis and general properties of organometallic compounds. To describe fundamental organometallic reactions.
Course Content:
This is a graduate level course that covers the organometallic chemistry of the transition metals with emphasis on basic reaction types and the natural extensions to the very relevant area of catalysis. The course also describes fundamental organometallic reactions. The course outline is shown below: Chapter 1 Ligand systems and electron counting Chapter 2 Fundamental Reactions Chapter 3 Catalytic Processes 1. Hydrogenation: symmetric and asymmetric 2. Carbonylations: hydroformylation and the Monsanto Acetic Acid Process Chapter 4 Coupling Reaction Chapter 5 Olefin Metathesis Chapter 6 Palladium–Catalyzed Carbon–Carbon Bond Formation via π-Allylpalladium
1) Major reference: Robert H. Crabtree, The Organometallic Chemistry of the Transition Metals, John Wiley & Sons: New York, 3rd Edition, 2001. 2) Other References: G. O. Spessard, G. L. G. L. Miessler, Organometallic Chemistry, Prentice-Hall: New Jersey, 1997.