Name: Advanced-functional Materials
Catalog Number: 412051Y Hours/Credits: 40/2
physical chemistry,inorganic chemistry,organic chemistry and polymer chemistry At least two Level 2 courses within the Chemistry Major. The course is designed for material chemists who do not have an extensive math or physics background. It is suitable for both undergraduate and graduate students
Course Description:
The course is designed for material chemists who do not have an extensive math or physics background. It is suitable for both undergraduate and graduate students To extend the concepts and skills acquired in second year courses containing strong principles of physical, inorganic, and/or organic chemistry as their basis. This class specially underlined the relationship among the material’s structure, property and application. Through this class, the students were expected to grasp the fundamental principle and basic methodology concerning the material chemistry and main fabrication methods, and thus lay a sound theoretical foundation for the future study. To blend recent and current research activities from selected peer-reviewed literature articles exemplifying chemistry and/or materials science with a focus on analyzing their fundamental principles.
Course Content:
Chapter 1 Electro-active Materials Chapter 2 Magnetic Materials Chapter 3 Optical- and Luminescent Materials Chapter 4 Bio- and Bionic Materials Chapter 5 Novel Catalytic Materials Chapter 6 Novel Energy Materials Chapter 7 Functional Methods for Advanced Functional Materials Chapter 8 Star Materials including Metal-Orangic Frameworks, Graphene, etc.