Name: Supramolecular Chemistry
Catalog Number: 412031Y Hours/Credits: 40/2
Organic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Chemistry and Physics of Polymers
Course Description:
It is intended for graduate students whose research fields relate to chemistry or materials science. The knowledge on both the fundamentals and frontiers of the interdisciplinary field of supramolecular chemistry will be acquired.
Course Content:
The outline of the course includes: Chapter1 An introduction to supramolecular chemistry including molecular recognition, self-assembly, molecular and supramolecular ordered structures; Chapter 2 Molecular recognition and self-assembly of synthetic receptors based on crown ether, cyclodextrin and calixarene; Chapter 3 Molecular imprinting chemistry based on molecular recognition; Chapter 4 Supramolecular polymer chemistry; molecular liquid crystals and supramolecular liquid crystals; Chapter 5 Supramolecular layered structures; Chapter 6 Macromolecular self-assembly; Chapter 7 Molecular and supramolecular devices