Name: Information Retrieval
Catalog Number: 4GB001Y Hours/Credits: 20/1
It is suitable for both undergraduate and graduate students.
Course Description:
To acquire the information retrieval methods in chemical research; To obtain the information retrieval ways to the latest progress on chemistry by using net-based skills; To gain the information retrieval abilities on the selection, evaluation, management and utilization.
Course Content:
Chapter 1: The basic skills for information retrieval The content includes the standard on information literacy. Chapter 2: The methods for information retrieval The content includes how to select the information resource and make retrieval tactics. Chapter 3: The ways for information retrieval The content includes library resources, internet resources and library service. Chapter 4: The screening and evaluation of information The content includes the high quality information and the latest progress. Chapter 5: The analysis and management of information The content includes the application of software such as endnote. Chapter 6: The comprehensive utilization of information The content includes how to write and submit a paper, and the fair use of scientific information.